Embark on a creative odyssey with Sean Derry and Sharon Massey, the dynamic duo behind Local X Change, as they transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. In this episode, we dive into their innovative approach to art and education, blending design, technology, and digital fabrication. From a captivating mini truck turned mobile radio station for rural teens to human-powered vending machines showcasing student designs, their projects are as impactful as they are whimsical. This pair’s commitment to mentorship and community engagement resonates in every endeavor, including their upcoming Studio Stream project. Listen in as they discuss the intersection of public art and personal practice, and how they’re sculpting the next generation of artists and makers. Join us for a conversation that’s as much about crafting meaningful experiences as it is about the art itself.
Listen now on Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, and please subscribe, rate, and review!
And don’t forget to check out the Sounds from the Studio playlist, where each artist shares the three songs that best describe their work. Listen now on Spotify!