Filling 72 linear feet of wall space with hand-stitched imagery, embroidery artist Maggy Rozycki Hiltner’s artwork Vantage Point is an idealized landscape of a big blue sky, green grass, and puffy white clouds. During her creative process and research on the depiction of cloud forms, the clouds’s symbolism evolved to water vapor and greenhouse gas. Other clouds such as volcanic plumes, mushroom clouds, and emissions from factories drew Hiltner’s interest as well.
Being raised in Pennsylvania-the land of steel, coal, and?industrial waste, has had a profound influence on Hiltner’s work. She began to stitch natural and manmade disasters into her work, which details a world that she believes is still beautiful yet significantly impacted by human consumption and the prevalence of waste.
CC’s BNY Mellon Satellite Gallery is located at 500 Grant St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (in the Lobby of the Steel Plaza T-Station at Oliver Street and Grant Street in downtown Pittsburgh). This exhibit is opened daily through midnight and is also free to the public.
Vantage Point is supported in part by a grant from the Montana Arts Council, an agency of the State Government.