Keiko Fukazawa Retrospective: The Space in Between features a comprehensive survey of California-based artist, Keiko Fukazawa’s more than forty-year career, featuring new works alongside selected archival materials. Fukazawa is deeply influenced by her Japanese heritage and American environment, addressing themes of Asia pop culture and social issues through conceptual exploration. Her functional yet impractical interpretations of traditional forms serve as personal expressions that bridge cultural boundaries.
This exhibition is organized into three themes: “Culture Clash,” “ARTivism,” and “In Betweenness,” each one representing different stages of Fukazawa’s creative evolution. As an immigrant artist, Fukazawa draws on her experiences of navigating the space between cultures and identities, infusing her work with depth and resonance. Through her use of porcelain, Fukazawa highlights ceramic artistry, process, and history advocating for the medium’s importance in the contemporary world. Keiko Fukazawa Retrospective offers a compelling narrative of artistic journey and cultural dialogue, showcasing Fukazawa’s enduring commitment to pushing boundaries and redefining the intersection of tradition, innovation and materiality with her practice.